Hi there. I'm **Ed Page Croft**, co-founder of [Stockopedia.com](https://www.stockopedia.com) and self-confessed stock market nerd. I'm fascinated with how to build market-beating portfolios of shares, with the minimum of effort while avoiding excessive risk. This website is a growing repository of short form notes, concepts and ideas about how to do this.
## What you'll find here
If you want to understand what really works in stocks, then you'll be right at home. You’ll find rules of thumb for better decision making based on the evidence of what's worked in the past. Start by working through the notes below, or using the sidebar and exploring the links in each. Most concepts here are backed up with evidence from academic finance, research studies and market history.
- The path to investment success starts with [[self reliance is the path to investment success|self reliance]].
- Becoming self reliant requires [[manage the monkey mind|managing yourself]].
- Managing yourself is made easier by applying [[simple rules beat human judgement|simple rules]].
- Simple rules can be modelled by understanding [[What works in stocks?|what works]].
- Instead of falling for stories, [[expose to return drivers]].
- Instead of betting big, [[diversify for resilience]].
- Instead of winging it, [[maintain your discipline]].
- What works is easy to understand, but needs solid routines to implement.
Do use the links above, or in the sidebar to browse, and you may discover [[What's new?|what’s new here]]. If you want to understand why I’m writing notes in this (unusual) way, you can [[About|learn more here]].
The easiest way to follow along as this site develops is via Twitter/X [@edcroft](https://www.twitter.com/edcroft) where I will post updates. Do consider a subscription to [Stockopedia.com](https://www.stockopedia.com) where I post in longer form and develop tools based on these principles for our subscribers.